Winter Training Essentials - Staff Picks

From what we watch, to what motivates us to get on the rollers. These are the essentials for winter training, hand-picked by the staff at SportCrafters. What's on YOUR list?

1. Rollers, of the OverDrive Pro variety.
No fork stands allowed!
2. Laptop with TrainerRoad hooked up.
Got to have the stats.
3. Sufferfest training video.
They are the only videos that comes
with free insults.
4. A HUGE fan to keep cool.
Maybe not this big, but it would be nice.
5. UCI Cyclocross videos on YouTube.
One hour long, and guaranteed to pump. you. up.
6. Yurbuds earphones.
These things never fall out of your ears, it's amazing.
7. Bob's Burgers on Netflix.
Or anything on Netflix, really.
8. Spotify account, so you can
create your own "feelin' like a badass" playlist.
9. The giant looming cloud in the shape of the first Spring race.
Around here, that's Barry Roubaix.


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