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Just the right resistance at any speed. I couldn't be more pleased, both with the {progressive} drum and the customer service.
Now that I have been forced inside several times, I must say that your roller design is amazing. I have gotten my heart rate higher than I have seen in two years just doing progressive work on the rollers with the new resistance roller installed. At a certain point, it really comes back at you hard. If I were outside, I would downshift at that point, and that is also an option inside.
Hi from the UK... just a note to say what a great product you have in your progressive resistance roller drum. i've just upgraded my CycleOps alu rollers with the progressive mag roller and it is soo good ... Regards, Mark
"Smooooth. The drums .... spin with such fluidity that, to paraphrase a bike-review cliché, they disappear beneath you. At 90 rpm in medium gearing, the drums let you whirl at talking pace but are small enough to make you suffer at high rotations.... we found the ride exceptionally smooth at all speeds but especially so at heavy loads with high cadence..."
Come see us at Interbike - Booth #34166 - on Friday, September 20th for an exciting GoldSprints contest! From 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m., you can compete against your friends (or rivals) on rollers with fork stands. The fastest time over a set distance will win the match-up. You don't need to sign up in advance for the races.
Don’t want to spend the money on a power meter, but still want to train indoors with power? works with SportCrafters rollers to give you structured indoor VirtualPower™ workouts.
Meet the SportCrafters team - we are passionate about building the highest quality cycling training products.
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